Ay, this a special what’s happenin’ to all my, all my soldiers over there in Iraq
Everybody right here, what you need to do is to be thankful for the life you got, you know what I’m sayin’
Stop lookin’ at what you ain’t got, start bein’ thankful for what you do got
Let’s give it to ’em, baby girl
Ay, this a special what’s happenin’ to all my, all my soldiers over there in Iraq
Everybody right here, what you need to do is to be thankful for the life you got, you know what I’m sayin’
Stop lookin’ at what you ain’t got, start bein’ thankful for what you do got
Let’s give it to ’em, baby girl
Ay, this a special what’s happenin’ to all my, all my soldiers over there in Iraq
Everybody right here, what you need to do is to be thankful for the life you got, you know what I’m sayin’
Stop lookin’ at what you ain’t got, start bein’ thankful for what you do got
Let’s give it to ’em, baby girl
Ay, this a special what’s happenin’ to all my, all my soldiers over there in Iraq
Everybody right here, what you need to do is to be thankful for the life you got, you know what I’m sayin’
Stop lookin’ at what you ain’t got, start bein’ thankful for what you do got
Let’s give it to ’em, baby girl